Why Not Yogurt Brulee For Breakfast Today?

Why Not Yogurt Brulee For Breakfast Today?

I’m happy to live vicariously through my home-dwelling friends and readers, though. Please tell me all the wonderful things you are planting so I can close my eyes and garden with you!

I’m sharing a very simple recipe today, barely a recipe at all – more a suggestion, but one I love. Yogurt Brulee makes a lovely breakfast treat and is very nice for a brunch with an assortment of toppings on the table, like granola, nuts, fresh and stewed fruit, etc. It also makes a lovely, fresh, sweet but not-to-sweet dessert to finish a heavy meal like Indian food. I’d serve it with some fresh mango slices.

Yogurt Brulee

Yogurt Brulee. Is it breakfast? Is it dessert? Does it matter? It's yummy. Like a creme brulee, but acceptable as morning food! Lightly-sweetened yogurt with a thin, crunchy caramel layer to crack through.
 Course Breakfast
 Cuisine Canadian
 Prep Time 2 minutes
 Cook Time 2 minutes
 Total Time 5 minutes
 Servings 1


  • 3/4 cup plain greek yogurt the fuller fat, the better 
  • 2 tsp granulated sugar


  1. For each serving, stir 1 tsp sugar into 3/4 cup yogurt in a small ramekin. Sprinkle evenly with remaining 1 tsp sugar and use a kitchen torch or a broiler to melt and caramelize the sugar, stopping when it's evenly amber coloured and has some lightly charred patches.

read more : foodess